• Core
  • Actions
  • fetchFeeData


Action for fetching network fee information.

import { fetchFeeData } from '@wagmi/core'


import { fetchFeeData } from '@wagmi/core'
const feeData = await fetchFeeData()

Return Value

  gasPrice: bigint
  maxFeePerGas: bigint
  maxPriorityFeePerGas: bigint
  formatted: {
    gasPrice: string
    maxFeePerGas: string
    maxPriorityFeePerGas: string


chainId (optional)

Force a specific chain id for the request. The wagmi Client's publicClient must be set up as a chain-aware function for this to work correctly.

import { fetchFeeData } from '@wagmi/core'
const feeData = await fetchFeeData({
  chainId: 1,

formatUnits (optional)

Formats fee data. Defaults to wei.

import { fetchFeeData } from '@wagmi/core'
const feeData = await fetchFeeData({
  formatUnits: 'gwei',