• Core
  • Actions
  • prepareSendTransaction


Action for preparing a transaction to be sent via sendTransaction.

Eagerly fetches the parameters required for sending a transaction such as the gas estimate and resolving an ENS address (if required).

import { prepareSendTransaction } from '@wagmi/core'


prepareSendTransaction gives back a "prepared request" to be sent through to sendTransaction.

import { prepareSendTransaction, sendTransaction } from '@wagmi/core'
const request = await prepareSendTransaction({
  to: 'moxey.eth',
  value: parseEther('1'),
const { hash } = await sendTransaction(request)

Return value

  accessList?: AccessList,
  account?: Account,
  chainId?: number,
  data?: Hex,
  gas?: bigint,
  gasPrice?: bigint,
  maxFeePerGas?: bigint,
  maxPriorityFeePerGas?: bigint,
  mode: 'prepared',
  nonce?: number,
  to: string,
  value?: bigint,


chainId (optional)

Checks the current chain to make sure it is the same as chainId. If chainId is not the current chain, the Action will throw an error.

const request = await prepareSendTransaction({
  chainId: 1,
  to: 'jxom.eth',
  value: parseEther('1'),

account (optional)

The Account to send the transaction from.

const request = await prepareSendTransaction({
  account: '0xf39fd6e51aad88f6f4ce6ab8827279cfffb92266',
  to: 'jxom.eth',
  value: parseEther('1'),

gasPrice (optional)

The price (in wei) to pay per gas. Only applies to Legacy Transactions.

const request = await prepareSendTransaction({
  to: 'jxom.eth',
  value: parseEther('1'),
  gasPrice: parseGwei('20'),

maxFeePerGas (optional)

Total fee per gas (in wei), inclusive of maxPriorityFeePerGas. Only applies to EIP-1559 Transactions

const request = await prepareSendTransaction({
  to: 'jxom.eth',
  value: parseEther('1'),
  maxFeePerGas: parseGwei('20'),

maxPriorityFeePerGas (optional)

Max priority fee per gas (in wei). Only applies to EIP-1559 Transactions

const request = await prepareSendTransaction({
  to: 'jxom.eth',
  value: parseEther('1'),
  maxPriorityFeePerGas: parseGwei('20'),

nonce (optional)

Unique number identifying this transaction.

const request = await prepareSendTransaction({
  to: 'jxom.eth',
  value: parseEther('1'),
  nonce: 69,

value (optional)

Value in wei sent with this transaction.

const request = await prepareSendTransaction({
  to: 'jxom.eth',
  value: parseEther('1'),